Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební,
Ústav matematiky a deskriptivní geometrie
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On uniqueness of solutions to Emden – Fowler type second-order equations with general power-law nonlinearities
Pondělí 15. 11. 2021, 12:00
Abstract. We consider Emden – Fowler type second-order differential equations with power-law nonlinearities with respect to an unknown function and its first derivative. Our purpose is to know whether this equation has a unique solution defined in a neighborhood of zero and satisfying the initial conditions. We discuss some problems connected with the uniqueness of solutions to higher-order equations.
v zasedací místnosti ústavu (2 patro Z205), ul. Žižkova 17.
Přednášku přednese Prof. Irina Astashova, DrSc.,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Differential Equations, Moscow
Přednáška je určena všem zájemcům o problematiku a je podpořena RP902119002/11121.
Prof. RNDr. Josef Diblík, DrSc.
vedoucí ÚMDG