Přednáška prof. Iriny Astašové – Mathematical aspects of the control over temperature conditions in industrial greenhouses

Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta stavební,
Ústav matematiky a deskriptivní geometrie
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Mathematical aspects of the control over temperature conditions in industrial greenhouses

Čtvrtek 11. 11. 2021, 12:00


Abstract. We study the problem of the control over temperature conditions in industrial greenhouses. We consider a model based on a one-dimensional parabolic equation on a bounded interval with a quadratic cost functional, prove an existence and a uniqueness of a control function from a prescribed set, and study the structure of the set of accessible temperature functions. We prove the dense controllability and study the properties of minimizer. In addition, we obtain the necessary conditions for minimizer.


v zasedací místnosti ústavu (2 patro Z205), ul. Žižkova 17.

Přednášku přednese Prof. Irina Astashova, DrSc.,

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Differential Equations, Moscow


Přednáška je určena všem zájemcům o problematiku a je podpořena RP902119002/11121.


Prof. RNDr. Josef Diblík, DrSc.

vedoucí ÚMDG


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